What is Green Fulfilment? | eCommerce fulfilment
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Green Fulfilment

May 16th, 2024

What is green fulfilment, and how do we achieve it?

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More and more consumers are conscious of the impact their online buying habits are having on the environment.

With more people looking at businesses to improve their carbon footprint and implement more green practices, there is so much that can be done to help lessen the impact that eCommerce is having on the environment, and one of those ways; green fulfilment.

Green or sustainable fulfilment is the practice of online order fulfilment which is done in such a way that will lessen the impact that online purchases have on the environment. Green fulfilment can look at changing the packaging that companies use, it can be through utilising a 3PL who has a commitment to internal green practices, or through the use of couriers that have a fleet of electric vehicles to deliver your products to your door.

When it comes to eCommerce, there are so many more stages that you have to consider when it comes to making the whole process more environmentally sound. And having no physical store doesn’t automatically mean that your business is less environmentally impactful.

What changes can we make to be greener?

When it comes to making impactful changes to your fulfilment process there is so many ways in which you can create a greener cleaner process, just by making slight alterations to what you do.

1. Use a more sustainable packaging supplier.

First and foremost, one of the biggest impacts that the eCommerce industry is having on the environment is the amount of waste that is produced yearly. In 2019 a study showed that approximately 1 million tonnes of plastic was used in eCommerce packaging – and with the growth of eCommerce experts expect this to double by 2025. Not only are we seeing more plastic being used for eCommerce packaging, but we’re only seeing around 9% of that packaging being recycled properly, with the remaining 91%ending up in landfill and causing harmful impacts to both the environment and human life.

These kinds of statistics are scary. But it doesn’t mean that we can’t help change the outcome.

Making the shift to a packaging supplier that has a commitment to reducing plastic waste can help to reduce the impact that eCommerce orders are having on the environment.

At SCEND we use packaging supplier Lil Packaging. We’re partnered with this amazing company to reduce our carbon footprint and decrease the impact that our clients have on the environment.

Saying no to things like bubble wrap and replacing it with fully recyclable filler paper has been just one of the ways in which we are committed to reducing plastic waste. On top of that, all of SCEND’s packaging is FULLY recyclable and where possible made from recycled materials.

Find out more about our commitment to being green.

Our green commitment

2. Join the online revolution.

When it comes to going online, we’re seeing the positive impact that this is having on the environment too! And the biggest win – paper!

By taking your processes from print to screen means that you’re able to reduce your in-house waste by up to 50%. Investing in the right technology will mean that you can boast being a “paperless company” and when it comes to being green, paperless is a massive win.

At SCEND we use state-of-the-art technology to ensure that we never have to use paper again. Okay so maybe never again is a stretch, but we’ve dramatically decreased the amount of paper that goes through both our office and warehouses helping to make that push to being a cleaner, greener, fulfilment centre.

We’re constantly looking at new ways in which we can make our company better for both the environment and our clients.

4. Choosing the right couriers, isn’t just about speed.

When it comes to courier choice, we’ve definitely spoken about ensuring that they:

  • Have a good reputation,
  • Are fast and reliable,
  • Have a later cut pick up time for next & same day delivery options,
  • Have a good green initiative in place

Though all SUPER important, we’re going to focus on number four. A green initiative. Doing your research into the couriers that you’re using can help you to reduce your carbon footprint and encourage a cleaner, greener fulfilment process.

Many couriers have a green fulfilment initiative in place, from all electric vehicles, to planting trees and improving natural green spaces, these companies are making waves when it comes to taking accountability for improving our planet.

At SCEND we work with a range of couriers who have fantastic green initiatives and are updating practices regularly to ensure that they have the right structures in place to ensure that the impact they have on our planet is reduced.

4. Work with a 3PL who shares the same values.

When it comes to doing your bit, you can only control what goes on within your business. And we understand this. But that doesn’t mean that this is where your responsibility ends. If you’re looking at outsourcing your fulfilment, which is often the best course of action for your business, then you need to ensure you’re onboarding with a 3PL who has a commitment to green fulfilment.

Choosing a 3PL with a commitment to sustainability isn’t just about what they’re doing currently, as an industry we need to constantly be making steps in order to pave the way for future generations.

That is why here at SCEND we know that our green fulfilment initiative isn’t end game. We work hard every day to ensure that we are revising our practices and updating our processes to ensure that we are putting the best foot forward when it comes to sustainability.

We're Carbon Neutral certified! 

In 2023 SCEND officially became a carbon neutral business. we gained certification from Carbon Neutral Britain (carbonneutralbritain.org) for our efforts and commitment to lowering our carbon footprint and dedication to keeping it that way!

So if you’re looking to partner with a 3PL that is committed to personalised experiences, as well as speed, accuracy and most importantly – keeping our planet green. Hit up the team here at SCEND.

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