SCEND work meticulously to ensure that the entire fulfilment process is completed with both you and your customers in mind.
Start your journeyOur pricingFrom the moment your stock arrives at our safe and secure warehouse, our expert team will meticulously unload each item, treating it as though it were their own. The stock is then checked, scanned and logged into our internal systems. From batch numbers to best-before dates SCEND will ensure that we have all the information needed to get your product ready to go as soon as you receive your first order!
Explore goods inOnce the unloading and logging process is completed we’ll store your stock within our safe and secure inventory storage warehouse. After you start getting orders and your stock begins to move, our inventory management team will commit to stock replenishment and stock rotation meaning that the best quality goods are always being sent out to your customers in a way that allows you that additional peace of mind.
Dive into storage & warehousingOnce you’ve received and order our warehouse team will be automatically notified. We operate at a fully paperless pick and pack system which significantly reduces the chance of human error as well as helping us when it comes to our green commitment. Products are scanned in and out of a designated pick space and once an item is scanned out - you’re no longer being charged for the storage of that item!
Save time on pick & packOnce the items are picked they’re then taken to our pack benches. Each item is assigned a specific box which allows us to reduce waste. Using the safest, smallest box or envelope means that you’ll no longer receive tiny items in massive boxes helping you and us cut down on our carbon footprint! Once the box and all items have been scanned, scanned and scanned again they will be labelled and sorted for courier collection. Our triple verification process is yet another one of those things that we do at SCEND to ensure your customers get the best possible buying experience!
Explore our green promiseAt SCEND we work with Royal Mail, Evri, DPD and DHL. With our choice of couriers, we’re able to offer same-day dispatch on orders placed up until 9 PM meaning that you can offer your customers shorter or even next-day delivery time scales! Something which is proven to increase both retention and revenue.
Which courier should you choose?It doesn’t stop there, our post-purchase tracking system means that even when the deliveries have left our warehouse we’re still involved until that parcel hits your customers' door step! Once the parcel has left SCEND HQ both you and your customer have access to 24/7 tracking of that product keeping you informed every step of the way!
Explore our softwareIf for any reason the customer isn’t happy with their order and wants to return it, SCEND can do that too! We work with amazing returns partners Rebound to ensure you and your customers are involved every step of the way. Our in-house returns area means that we will receive your item, put it through our QC and even rework items to get them into a saleable condition! Both you and your customer will be informed of every stage allowing you to process refunds faster and get those items back into stock.
Supercharge your returns